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Partner With Us
Since 1939, Thousand Pines Christian Camp and Conference Center has been ministering in the name of Jesus Christ to people across the Pacific Southwest and beyond. Tens of thousands have joined the Kingdom, countless others have renewed their walk, and many others are serving churches and on the mission fields across the world- all because they came to a place set apart where God spoke to their hearts.
​Since 1939, people just like you have understood the vision of Thousand Pines, that vision to reach out to boys and girls, men and women, in the name of the Lord. Their response has been to share their resources to further this ministry. We invite you to join them!

We believe that a Christian's first stewardship responsibility is to the local church. Yet, if you have been enabled to do more, please consider joining Thousand Pines' monthly giving programs. The Circle of Support is one great way to put your treasure where your heart is.
We are blessed each month by individuals who have felt led to give to the ministry of Thousand Pines each month. There are people all over the country who hold Thousand Pines close to their hearts and have given sacrificially to further God's work here. Nearly 20% of our ongoing operational expenses are covered through the generosity of people such as these.
If you feel led to contribute to the work here, please contact us today at (888)423-2267 or donate online.
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